Pratham Books

Twittering Thursday

Tweet Tweet. Its time to share some of our favourite tweets from last Thursday.

It was great to see many of our friends on Twitter spread the word about the job vacancies at Pratham Books. Thank you all! We also revisited our blog archives to read about the Adivasi Academy in Gujarat trying to preserve local languages and the Tinkering School. Also, a reminder to apply for the TEDIndia Fellows program and that the Magic Bus needs volunteers for day-trips on 6th and 8th June 2009.

We were reading about how Oprah’s love for Kindle had fueled an e-book interest and how new e-readers will end the black and white era. Another article we were reading was about the ‘Green School‘ in Mysore.

And now for interesting links our Twitter friends were posting..

@indianfolklore shared a link to the Google transliterator of Indian languages and @gkjohn‘s tweet was about Wikipedia voting to move to a CC license.

@thecreativepenn‘s tweets were about Scribd almost getting it right with “Independent Publishers” concept, the British Library inviting patrons to try ebook readers and how to make your book downloadable directly from a tweet.

Did you know that ‘Harry Potter’ was rejected by eight publishers? @namenick linked to an article on 5 rejected best-sellers. @indianfolklore‘s tweet about the heroic monomyth made for good reading. Also known as the Hero’s Journey, it describes the common stages of a hero’s journey found in many stories. @mitaliperkins‘s tweet was linked to an article about the futile search for nice, normal Dads in children’s books.

@FYSE linked to the Free ideas project with a social change twist to it.

The last tweet is from @weheartbooks. Take a look at a mother and son collaborating to make a stunning mural in the son’s room.

Image Source: Matt Joyce

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