Pratham Books

Twitter Recap

The twittering week that was…

Have you seen the MAD photographs from our ethnic day celebrations yet? See the new look that most of the people from our Bangalore team donned for the day :).
Anorak Magazine’s Winter Drawing Issue features drawings by the kids from the Akshara libraries. We will have pictures of the magazine for you to see soon. Roopa Pai’s Taranauts series transports kids to a fantasy world. Take a look at the entries sent in for ‘Unshelved’s Pimp My Bookcart’ contest here and here. Peter Mendelsund designs book jackets/covers and his website showcases his work perfectly. People in UK have a chance of winning every book on the Costa book awards shortlist.

@radhika_rayanTake a look at some children’s books illustrations from Iran

@bookboleAudible menus will unlock Kindle for the blind

@brainpickerThe Bookshelf Rethought, 5 innovative designs for a bookworm with a design fetish

@CulturattiKids – Library of Congress adds historic newspapers on Flickr

@drvivekm – Inside the Select Book Store, Brigade Rd.

Our friends at the Akshara Foundation are participating in GiveIndia’s US End-of-Year 15k Giving Challenge. Find out how you can support their cause. Send in your applications for the Teach for India 2010 Fellowship.

We were reading about the use of pen drives in government school classrooms. @vijaysappani shared a link with photographss of @Asha4Education‘s school projects in Tamil Nadu.

@twestival – It is with great excitement to announce @ConcernWorld is our 2010 Twestival Global recipient!!!

If you are on Twitter, you can keep track of our updates by following @prathambooks.

Image Source: See-ming Lee ??? SML

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