Pratham Books

Time Out on Water Conservation

Time Out Bengaluru recently ran an article that featured Arghyam, the School India Water Portal and us.

Initiatives and practical education of this form are what the NGO Arghyam hopes to encourage through its new portal, that was launched in February. The portal aims to get people, especially in educational institutions, to gain a better understanding of water.

The way ahead is to get children involved in water-conservation awareness drives, in initiatives like the one by the non-profit publication house Pratham Books, which is urging kids to become “water champions”. The publishers recently released the second book of their series on the rivers of India. “The first book was on the Ganga, and the second is on the Cauvery, which has always been a rich source of stories,” explained Suzanne Singh, a trustee. They’ve also launched the “Conserve Our Rivers, Save Water” campaign, which has tied up with Arghyam’s website to give water conservation tips to schools and students.

Read the full article here.

You can buy our book on the Cauvery here.

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