Within a few hours of us sending out an email and posting information about the ‘Mumtaz Embroiders her Dreams’ contest, we received our first entry from 13 year old Aarthi Sreenivasan :
I saw about this contest and will give you full information about my dream till you beg me to stop! A lot . I doubt whether it will all fit the word limit. I guess I have to edit a lot. All right now, my dream. I want to become an international best selling author. It doesn’t end in a sentence. I can almost see my fans yelling at me , mad with enthusiasm , as I , the most wonderful teenage authoress climb on to the stage and give them all a wave. Oh , the very thought of it! The limelight, flashing of photographs, someone yelling “And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you , the most talented writer , breaking records for a young person with her book, Aarthi Sreenivasan!!”I would enter, blushing and wave to my frantic fans. It is most important as the prospect of writing has always had an impression on me. When I read the biographies of great writers , let’s take J.K Rowling for instance. Wondrous creater of seven materpieces- Harry Potter. I would think to myself Aarthi, you are writing like her or forget about being one!” Unfortunately for me, I am not recognized as a person who can write, except for my classmates . Always the chance to prove myself slips off my desk. I want this dream to come true so that I can prove to my school teachers that I do write. Knowing that this competition would give me that golden and great opportunity, I am making most use of it. I also know that the word limit is exceeding, so I am , with most brutal editing, finishing with my entry.
If you have a dream and want to share it with the world and win a book hamper, participate in the ‘Mumtaz Embroiders her Dreams’ contest.