Pratham Books

The Publishing Next Industry Awards

Via Publishing Next
The Publishing Next Industry Awards are instituted starting this year to reward the talent, initiative, entrepreneurial zeal and untiring efforts of publishers – big, small, independent – that create books. Established under the aegis of the neutral platform of the Publishing Next Conference, the awards seek to recognize innovation and leadership in the book trade.
The Publishing Next Industry Awards 2014 will be presented in the following five categories (please click on each category for more details and submission criteria):
An applicant can apply for more than one category. The final selection of shortlisted applicants will be based solely on information furnished by the applicant. Applicants are requested to be as clear, concise and straight-to-the-point as possible. Here a few tips you could use while applying.
Key Dates to remember:
Open for submission of entries: 1 June 2014
Entry deadline: 31 July 2014
Shortlisting & Judging: August 2014
Award announcement: 20 September 2014

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