Pratham Books

Take the Famous Five Pledge with RivoKids : Donate a Library

RivoKids brings to you Famous Five ! An initiative where 5 friends join in and sign the Famous Five pledge. So this Christmas you have the chance to be Santa for someone by sending across a library to a school or a classroom where children need books.

How does this work  ?

5 friends to join in and contribute Rs 1000 each for a total of Rs 5000. This entire money goes to Pratham Books for purchasing a Library-in-a-classroom. This Library-in-a-classroom can then be sent to you directly to donate to an underprivileged school or donated to a school that Pratham Books works with already.

How much does it cost?

The total cost of the Library-in-a-classroom is Rs. 5000

Will our name be on the gift?

Yes, the Famous Five friends will be mentioned on a Thank you card which gets delivered along with the Library-in-a-classroom, just like the card above.

Sign up here to become a Santa and spread the joy of reading. 

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