Pratham Books

A Small Reminder

Whooooosh … this month seems to have passed by so quickly! We’ve been busy at the Jaipur Literature Festival, the Urdu Kitaab Mela and more. But, the one thing that everyone seems to be talking about is – THE CALENDAR! So many people who’ve received our calendar have been sending us the most lovely comments about it. 
So, here’s a little reminder that it isn’t too late to order a copy
Our Green Calendar is an initiative carried out in the International Year of the Forest 2011 as a part of our “Awareness Today for a Greener Tomorrow” campaign to spread awareness among children about the importance of conservation. Printed on lovely eco-friendly paper and designed by Priya Kuriyan, this colourful calendar can be used to mark important dates – such as birthdays, exam dates, and dates for positive conservation activities like planting a sapling, watering a roadside plant, closing a leaking tap, running a race to support a green cause, and so on! Fill this calendar with green ideas, note down little tips and ideas that will help us make this world a better place.
What’s more, all proceeds from the calendar sale will be used to buy books for Pratham Books Champions’ (read more about them here), who in turn will spread the joy of reading to children in their communities. Your gesture will thus bring us closer towards our mission of putting “a book in every child’s hand”!
Click here to order your copy.
Priya Kuriyan also shared a few spreads from the calendar on her blog. View more images of the calendar here.

One of our illustrators, Sonal Goyal, was so happy with her calendar that she even sent us a sweet little hug …

Thank you all for showering us with so much love! Have a magical year ahead.

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