Pratham Books

“Show a people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again, and that is what they become.” | Beyond the stereotype

Novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has spoken eloquently and often of “the danger of a single story” — and it is these “single stories” that help gender bias along. A single way of seeing how girls should look. How boys should be. What’s acceptable. What’s admirable.

When our Instagram friend, mommyingtales, reached out about her  campaign on #agenerationwithoutgenderbias, we were only to happy to put together a list of #genderpositive storybooks for kids.

We’re committed to the idea of “many stories” about gender. Our stories feature everyday heroes like the motorbike-riding Games teacher, Miss Laya, and a grandmother who invents machines to do daily chores around the house. They shine a light on inspiring Indian role models like scientist, Anna Mani, and Olympic gymnast, Dipa Karmakar. They share the joy of a father cooking for his daughter, or a young boy, Kali, who pursues his love for Bharatanatyam. They walk us in the footsteps of girls who long to fly, or play football, or love to eat.

After all, as Adichie says, “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”

Here’s a list of some of our favourite #genderpositive stories in different languages from Pratham Books. Just click to shop.

Meet Sooraj’s inventive grandmother
Make friends with purple Puchku 
Be inspired by Dipa Karmakar
Meet brave little Ana
Riju and Manju teach you a thing or two about computers
Say hello to young Manikantan
Enjoy a hearty meal with Neema

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