Pratham Books

Share a Story – Shape a Future 2011 : Unwrapping the Gift of Literacy

It is that time of the year when the ‘Share a Story – Shape a Future’ blogathon happens and this year’s theme is ‘Unwrapping the Gift of Literacy’.
Via Share a Story – Shape a Future
For 5 days in March, we harness the power of the Worldwide web to share ideas about ways to engage kids as readers.

Within the kidlitosphere, the children’s literature bloggers comprise and reach a very broad audience. One of the group’s greatest assets is its collective, community-minded approach to sharing information and ideas.

Voila! Welcome to our literacy blog tour. This is an ensemble effort not only to celebrate reading among those of us who already love books, but to encourage each other to reach beyond ourselves and do it in a way that we are neither judging nor instructing others. This is a venue for communicating practical, usable, everyday ideas.

This year’s event is from 7th-11th March, 2011. The themes for this year’s event are:

  • The Power of a Book – From the literal power of owning a book and a good story to the intangible power that comes with knowing how to read.
  • The Gift of Reading – Whether you’re looking for a book to excite a reader, want to help someone learn to read or celebrate the “gift” … it’s covered.
  • Unwrapping Literacy 2.0 – With all of the talk of digital literacy, e-readers, etc. What does “literacy” look like in this new century?
  • Love of Reading v. Homework – Do they have to be at odds? We’ll talk about ways to help readers at home and at school.
  • The Gift that Keeps on Giving – To wrap up the week we’ll be remembering “that moment” when we realized we were a reader or writer and how to celebrate it with others. Lots(!) of interviews this day.

Read more here.

Visit Share a Story – Shape a Future for more information.

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