Pratham Books

The Season of Book Reviews

The summer holidays are here and if you are wondering what books to buy for your little bookworms, read some of the recent book reviews written by a few bloggers.
The book Raja Nang Dhadanga was picked out by Vibha Sharma when Saffron Tree members were asked to choose contemporary books set in verses/rhymes/poetry collections that their children had enjoyed listening to, or any poets/poems they themselves were inspired by growing up. (via Saffron Tree)

I have /heard/read/told this story many times as a child and now as a parent while watching my children growing up but when I saw this story retold in verse, I had to pick it up. Read it to my children and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
A king who is befooled into wearing a dress which is visible only to ‘people with brains’ !!

Choxbox reviews our book ‘Handmade in India’ (via Saffron Tree)
The book in question is a travelogue of sorts – Fraser takes us on a delightful journey around the various states of the country and gives us a glimpse of some of the many things that are handmade in India. The illustrations are each a work of art.
In the hills of Himachal Pradesh she met two women who were spinning wool and knitting it. She tells us in detail what the women are doing, and on top of the page is an outline of India with the state highlighted. The corresponding full page illustration shows two women in traditional garb made of the wool similar to what they are working on and surrounded by sheep.
I showed it to a friend and she loved it as expected. She did not know how much it cost and when asked how much she would be willing to buy it for, said between two and three hundred rupees. Well the book is priced at a tenth of that, so go get a copy!

Read the entire review here.

Story Revolution reviews the ‘Once Upon A Time An India Series‘ (history series)

Dhani longs to join Gandhiji on the Dandi march, but his father says he is too young to walk the distance. Can the adamant young boy convince Gandhiji to let him go along?

This is ‘Marching to Freedom’, one of the books in the series published by Pratham Books, written by Subhadra Sen Gupta and illustrated by Tapas Gupta.

There are four books, and each tells a story that stands alone — interesting, exciting, original, always with a little twist at the end. They are set in different periods of Indian history, and bring detail alive — clothing, architecture, culture are all woven effortlessly into the story.

You can buy all these books and more from our website.

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