Pratham Books

Samidha Gunjal's Work Featured in the Book Illustrators Gallery

Illustrator Samidha Gunjal mailed us the other day to say that her work had been selected to be part of the Book Illustrators Gallery at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC). We were doubly delighted to see that the illustrations she had submitted were from our book ‘Why Can’t We Glow Like Fireflies?‘.  Congrats Samidha!
Click here to read the book and take a look at the illustrations Samidha created to tell us more about these creatures that light up the dark. 
Our congratulations to Kavita Singh Kale whose work has also been featured on B.I.G. 
If you are in Singapore and attending the AFCC conference, you can visit the Book Illustrators Gallery between 14th May-3rd June, 2016. The Book Illustrators Gallery aims to showcase local and regional illustrators and artists, and promote them to a wider audience, featuring published and unpublished art. You can view the work of all the selected illustrators here.

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