Pratham Books

Running, Listening and Drawing at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival

Amna Singh shares a peek into all the fun we had during our events at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival.
Stories in the Park: 
A fun- filled morning with around 50 enthusiastic, adventurous kids, who went racing around the park, only stopping to read the next page of the story. Kaaloo & Maaloo had many co-investigators helping them figure out ‘who’ and our sayani Sona was loved by all. And then, after we all had run, read and laughed, we sat together in the shade of the shamiana, talking about paw prints of animals, how detectives dress-up, and mulberry fruits, learning to cook… and more. Two stories, jumbled all around the park. Too much fun!

Storytelling and illustration workshop 
Surrounded by books and all things nice at Kitab Khana, about 40 kids heard about Serpy, our simple snake and how he learns that it’s quite okay to be ‘you’! They heard the story and shared their snippets, all in Marathi and Hindi. They took home Serpy, as a bookmark and their awesome doodles of Serpy, the birds, the fishes aided by Rijuta Ghate(the illustrator of the book). Actually, we are pretty sure that they took home way more than that. So, here’s to Serpy and ‘us’!

View more images from the event.

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