Pratham Books

Round Up

A few interesting links from the past week or so.

Ayeshea Perera has a must read post on Book Sunday in Old Delhi:

A third (and just as good) reason to visit is the Daryaganj book market that happens every Sunday morning. Daryaganj is either a ten minute auto ride from CP, or a interestingly adreneline filled cycle rickshaw ride from the Chawri Bazaar metro station (on the yellow line). Every Sunday, traders from across India colonize the pavements of two parallel roads ( 1 – 2 km in all) where they set out books of all shapes, sizes and genres…


Dave and Jenny, two New Yorker’s who have moved to Delhi, at Our Delhi Struggle have a post up about the Sunday Book Market too.

The selection ranges from the sublime (The Phantom Tollbooth!) to the bizarre (Bob Uecker wrote a book?); from the obsolete (Windows 3.1 guides) to the obscure (indigenous water management technique in Gujarat). Some are new, some are old, almost all are tread upon by barefoot salespeople shouting dasrupeesdasrupeesdasrupees as they stride from sale to sale.

From The Digitalist:

We invited one of our fave authors, David Hewson, to blog his experiences using a Sony Reader over the next week or so. David’s hardly a technophobe, but on the other hand he ain’t no geek. Here’s the first of his guest posts as he begins his journey into ‘digital reading.’

Via Wired on how eBooks have a future in iTunes:

Top publishers are revving up their libraries of digital books to capitalize on the presumed success and hype of the Amazon Kindle — actual sales are still based on speculation — but one big name is putting its money on a device that has proven its popularity: the iPhone.

Via BB, a report on the Digital Youth Project:

The Digital Youth Project, a MacArthur-funded three year, 22 case study, $3.3 million ethnographic study of what kids are doing online, has wound up and published its results. The project was undertaken by the eminent sociologist Mimi Ito and her talented colleagues (including the incomparable danah boyd) and is the largest and most comprehensive study of young peoples’ internet use ever undertaken in the US.

The conclusions are sane, compassionate, and compelling: in a nutshell, the “serious” stuff we all hope kids will do online (researching papers and so on) are only possible within a framework of “hanging out, messing around and geeking out.” That is to say, all the “time-wasting” social stuff kids do online are key to their explorations and education online.

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