Pratham Books

Remixed! Our Illustrations Get a New Look

This post on BoingBoing about our CC-licensed illustrations led a lot of traffic to our Flickr page and we were happy to note the interest people were showing. Flickr user Patti Sundstrom aka zilladon2000 left a comment on one of our illustrations saying…

These are great!! Thank you for the permission to experiment with your images; my “wheels” are already turning with a few ideas for artworks – I’ll be sure to update you with the results! : )

And a few days later, that is exactly what she did.

The first two images are from our book “Annual Haircut Day”. The third image is what Patti came up with. You should see her Flickr page to see the number of comments she is receiving for the work she has created.

Thank you Patti for remixing our illustrations and sharing your work with us.

We hope that more people try their hand at remixing our illustrations and experimenting with them. Visit our Flickr page to spin your own stories. Do leave us a note so we can see the magic you create.

Also read:

Pratham Books – Remixing Illustrations

More Creative Commons Licensed Illustrations on Our Flickr Account

Remix Time : Create Your Story With Our CC-licensed Illustrations

Image Source : Pratham Books (1 and 2), zilladon2000 (3)

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