Pratham Books

Remix Away : Priya Kuriyan’s Take On the #6FrameStoryChallenge

It is no secret how much we love Priya Kuriyan’s work at Pratham Books. Priya Kuriyan’s work crept into our office through a calendar she did for another organization. For months we stared at her inspiring and gorgeous work. Soon, Priya was illustrating books with us and has also worked on two of the Pratham Books Calendars (psst : this year’s calendar is also by her and is still available!). So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we asked Priya to be one of the Illustrator Gurus on the #6FrameStoryChallenge.
‘Who is an Illustrator Guru?’, you ask.
An illustrator guru is someone who volunteered to donate their illustrations to our upcoming story publishing platform. Their 6 frame stories will be released through the Challenge and also showcased on the platform. So get inspired and be ready to impress them with your work! They are also the judges for this challenge.
What did Priya think of this challenge?
Priya : “There’s great fun in doing something that can have such unpredictable outcomes; the 6 frames challenge was just that – loads of fun. It’s always been extremely satisfying to support Pratham books and the fantastic work they do. I thought It would also be really exciting to see how different people interpret these visuals and build furthur on it. The CC- BY license works perfectly for this.”
(Priya Kuriyan is a children’s book illustrator, comic book artist and an animator .Born in Cochin, she grew up in numerous towns
in India. She has directed educational films for the Sesame street show (India) and the Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI)
and illustrated numerous children’s books for many Indian publisher’s. She currently lives in New Delhi, filling her sketchbooks
with (occasionally mean) caricatures of its residents. ,
The deadline to submit your work for the #6FrameStoryChallenge is 30th January, 2015 (11:59 pm). Hurry! More details here.
Also read the other interviews by illustrators who took the challenge:

Paneendra Suresh

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