Pratham Books

Reminder : Last Few Days to Send in Entries for the ‘Retell, Remix and Rejoice Contest’

Hello hello! Just a quick reminder that the last date to send in entries for the ‘Retell, Remix and Rejoice Contest’ is 9th May, 2011.

(Note : We are currently accepting entries from children below the age of 16 years only.)

So get your kids, nieces, nephews or grandchildren to put on their thinking caps and send in their entries. Entries can be in English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada or Urdu.

A quick recap of the contest :

Take the images available here, weave your own story and email us the remixed version. Pssstt……Stories that are drastically different from the original have a better chance to win and yes the first prize winner for each category gets a printed, laid-out version of the winning story….how cool is that!

Having starting trouble? Read our editor’s remixed version of the book.

Click here to download the illustrations, instructions and read the original and remixed book,all at one go!

Contest details:

• You can send in your entries in English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada or Urdu.
• Please send your entries in PDF, Word or Power Point format to along with your name, age, language of entry with the email subject line as “The Retell, Remix, Rejoice contest”
• Got any queries? Email us at
• Last date for entries is 9th May 2011.

*By submitting your work you agree to a “Creative Commons – Attribution – Share Alike license” being applied to it. While we encourage participation from all countries, prizes shall be couriered only within India. In case winning entry is not from India, we will lay out the book and send you a high res pdf to print locally.

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