The context : Last year, several organizations across India applied to receive our STEM library kit grant. This library grant was supported by Oracle. Selected schools/organizations received a STEM classroom library kit. The kit is a wall-mounted modular library unit that can be put up in any classroom or library. It consists of 100+ books, primarily in STEM subjects. The books cover a diverse range of topics in Maths, Science, Technology, Environment, and Emotional intelligence.
The books have brought a positive impact on the children. They can’t wait to enter the library and go through all the books. We use it as a reward system if they behave properly they get to read in the library and that has brought about a change in the student behavior. Before we had books but they were not suitable for children and children lost interest but with Pratham Books’ books they want to read and go through as many books as possible. Even teachers use this books in class and have observed a positive impact on the the student performance.