Pratham Books

Puppet Festival, Bangalore

Via Ananya Trust

Hope for the Flowers is a tale about life and revelation. It is a story about a caterpillar who like all of us, has trouble accepting what he is. He wants to win in the rat race and reach the top.His struggles mirror the struggles of each student, employee and individual in the urban world who is desperate to fit in. The obsession to win the competition makes us mechanically display our merits such that we overlook our latent potentialities. But the real victory is the revelation of who I am and what I can be rather than what the world wants me to be. The play has now been modified and is brought to you in a new package. We have improvised it to make it more picturesque by adding puppetry and black light theatre. All parts of the production are the children’s own creations and are exhibited in the present performance. This public performance, the first in Bangalore, has used a medium to help children learn new skills: Sculpting, music, lights and stage management. This performance is the beginning and we hope to host a theatre festival later in the year inviting teachers, students, parents, artists and residents of Bangalore to participate in a series of workshops and performances by the children of Ananya.

More information here.

Click on the image to see the schedule.

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