Pratham Books

Print on Demand Comes to India



Cinnamon Teal offers an add in to publish in multiple Indian languages too…

Updated to add: also fully supports all Indian Languages. We already have 7 books in Hindi, are working with a Bengali author and more to come. Do check out


  1. Jaya Jha August 17, 2008

    Thanks for writing about us. As far as publishing in Indian Languages go, also fully supports all Indian Languages. We already have 7 books in Hindi, are working with a Bengali author and more to come. Do check out

    The primary problem in publishing in Indian Languages is that most of the typesetting software still do not support Unicode fonts. However, to input data in simple word processing software, there are multiple easy ways including Windows IME, Google transliteration and of course lipikaar. It is by accepting those formats that we are able to support Indian languages.

  2. Gautam August 17, 2008

    Hi Jaya, thanks for the correction.

  3. Leonard Fernandes August 17, 2008

    Thank you very much for mentioning us on your blog. We depend on your blog a lot for information to use for our newsletter, The Publisher’s Post, and it was nice finding us mentioned here.

    Thanks to print-on-demand, we are now able to bring old classics back into print. So, if your search for a copy of P.B. Shelley’s “Adonais” or Jules Verne’s “All Around the Moon” frustrates you, despair not. CinnamonTeal Print and Publishing Services have launched a new imprint, CinnamonTeal Classics, that will bring back to print various classics on a print-on-demand basis.

    These books will be printed only on request and can be personalized as a gift or a keepsake. The current catalog of books available for reprint runs into about a thousand titles. There will be five cover designs to choose from and each book can be ordered simply by sending an email to the address provided. The books will be delivered to your doorstep, gift wrapped if you so choose. We are also looking for persons and institutions to partner with to extend this service for books in Indian languages.

    For further details do visit

  4. Gautam August 17, 2008

    Hi Leonard, always nice to know we provide a valuable service!

  5. varun mishra February 2, 2015

    Thanks for writing about us. As far as publishing in Indian Languages go, also fully supports all Indian Languages. We already have 7 books in Hindi, are working with a Bengali author and more to come

  6. Thank you for supporting all Indian language. we also publish book in all languages and global distribute.


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