Pratham Books

Pratham Books’ Work Included in ‘Best Practices’ Publication by 2014 Library of Congress Literacy Awards

We are thrilled to share that Pratham Books has been selected for inclusion in the 2014 Library of Congress Literacy Awards ‘Best Practices’ publication. Though we did not win the award, it is an honour to find a mention amongst other awesome organizations.  Submission for the awards arrived from organizations in 23 U.S. states and 30 countries. 
This year’s awards went to Room to Read, SMART, Mother Child Education Foundation – a big round of congratulations to all of them!

The Library of Congress Literacy Awards were first announced in January 2013 as a program to help support organizations working to alleviate the problems of illiteracy both in the United States and worldwide. The awards seek to reward those organizations that have been doing exemplary, innovative and easily replicable work over a sustained period of time and to encourage new groups, organizations and individuals to become involved. 

“The winning organizations, along with more than a dozen others, are contributing information about their best practices to a publication that will offer ideas for replicating aspects of their programs.” 

A “Best Practices” publication was produced to highlight outstanding work of the organizations that applied for awards in 2014.

Pratham Books’ work has been profiled under ‘addressing social barriers to literacy’.
Please click on the image for a larger view
Please click on the image for a larger view
Read the Best Practices publication to learn about our work as well as the work done by many other organizations. 

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