Pratham Books

Pratham Books Champion : Lara Velho

As part of Litworld’s World Read Aloud Daycelebrations, we decided to ask our community if they would conduct storytelling sessions in their cities. 50 awesome champions decided to take part and ‘celebrate the power of words’. We will be sharing the stories of all our champions through our blog.
Today’s story comes from Lara Velho who conducted a storytelling session in Mumbai. Lara writes about her session :
The moment I heard about World Read Aloud Day, I knew it was something I wanted to involve my kids in.   My name is Lara Velho and I am a fellow with Teach for India. Teach for India is a movement with a vision that ‘One day ALL children will attain an excellent education’. I teach in a Municipal school in Goregaon,  Mumbai. I contacted Maya from Pratham Books, asking for my copy so that my kids and I could enjoy a special read aloud. And boy, was it special! When I told my children that others like them all over the world were also reading that same book, on that same day, they were so thrilled and completely engaged in the story! We read a book called Laxman’s Questions and then had a short reflection session. My children came up with the most brilliant reflections when I asked them what the story was trying to teach them. One of my kids said he wanted to spend lots of time like Laxman, asking intelligent questions, because asking questions really is more important than just getting answers. My kids spent the rest of the day being little Laxmans, questioning each other and me about the world around them. It was a wonderful experience.
Thank you Lara for spreading the joy of reading!
Click here to read the stories sent in by all the Pratham Books Champions.

Note : If any of you want to be a Pratham Books Champion and join us on our journey of getting ‘a book in every child’s hand’, write to us at web(at)prathambooks(dot)or

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