Pratham Books

POD for University Presses

This is from the Creative Commons blog:
ETC Press has just launched as an “academic, open source, multimedia, publishing imprint.” The project is affiliated with the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University and is in partnership with When authors submit their work to ETC they retain ownership of it but they also must submit it under either an Attribution-NoDerivativeWorks-NonCommercial or an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. ETC press then posts the works to where they are available for purchase in its hardcopy form, or free download. While the project focuses specifically on writing about entertainment technology, it is easy to see ETC’s model scaling to publishers of other topics and genres.This points to a range of possibilities for Indian universities too. Universities or departments within them can now publish their reports and journals on an “as-needed” basis without having to bother about upfront costs or unsold copies. The potential is enormous.

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