Pratham Books

Paper Preeti Project

By now most of you are familiar with Grape, the yak who came to our office as part of the Yak Around the World Campaign. We have a new visitor in our Bangalore office and the new visitor is a bright Paper Preeti!

This Paper Preeti was sent to us by Shivani, a 9th grade student from a village called Garahara in Uttar Pradesh. We found out about the Paper Preeti project through Twitter and a few days later, Shivani’s bright Paper Preeti had brightened up our office with her presence.

Via Paper Preeti’s Flickr photostream

The Paper Preeti Project started in April 2009 as a way for students at Pardada Pardadi Girls Vocational School to learn about the world outside of their village in Uttar Pradesh India? 25 girls were selected to create Paper Preeti versions of themselves – these versions were then sent to friends & supporters of Pardada Pardadi throughout the world?

We hope that these Paper Preeti’s can open the eyes of the Girls of Pardada Pardadi to some exciting areas of the world.

Via Pardada Pardadi Educational Society

Shivani is a beautiful 12-years-old girl with big brown eyes and a contagious smile. She joined PPGVS in 2005 and is now in the 9th grade. She likes coming to school and comes everyday! “I only miss school if I am sick. I don’t want to miss school because I want to go to high school and work with computers.” Although Shivani will only graduate in 2 years, she is already dreaming about more studies after completing her education at Pardada Pardadi. Her favorite subjects are English and Machine Embroidery – one of her strengths is vocational training.

Shivani’s Paper Preeti is going to have a great time at the Pratham Books office and will be travelling around the city and maybe even to other places with all our team members. For now, she has been packing books to send to Kenya, reading stories and eating sweets with Grape!

Join us in welcoming Shivani’s Paper Preeti and if you ever drop by our Bangalore office, please ask to meet her and share your story with Shivani!

Read more about the Paper Preeti project and about 12 year old Shivani. You can view all the pictures taken during the project on their Flickr photostream and you can also meet the 25 girls participating in this project.

Image Source: Shivani’s Photo is from the PPES blog

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