Pratham Books

Open Access: What it is and why it is required for scholarly community?


  1. Sukhdev Singh May 30, 2008


    The background and description is available at
    and also blogged by Peter Suber at

  2. Gautam May 30, 2008

    Thanks for the heads up Sukhdev. Suber is in our sidebar… 😉

  3. Mala May 31, 2008

    Thanks for the open access to the easy understanding of Open Access, Gautam.
    OA is required not just for the scholarly community but for all other communities if we want development for EVERYONE.

    Saw a masala Tamil movie sometime back. Vijay-starrer ‘Tamizhan’. Hero, a law graduate, writes a simple book on citizen rights, and the low-cost book sells widely. Of course, soon everyone from the rickshaw puller to the vegetable hawker spouts Section XYZ. But the learning from the movie is that making knowledge easily accessible is the first step towards growth for the millions of people to whom basic living is a struggle.

    So Open Access? Yes, but also the need to spread awareness about it.


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