Pratham Books

An Online Storytelling Lab For College Students


A group of students at Northwestern decided to initiate a Kickstarter project upon realizing that the school lacks a dedicated platform to encourage and broadcast the distinctive creativity of its undergraduates. Their proposed platform – – aims to provide that solution by allowing students to tell their story via digital media. According to the starters:

We are taking up the tools of our generation: the dynamism of digital video, the flexibility of online journalism, and the formidable advances in presentation, design, and online infrastructure. We intend to use these tools as powerful allies as we endeavor to lift up the creative efforts of our most imaginative peers, to be inspired by work of quality that deserves to rise above the fray of YouTube. We’re not just creating a resource for Northwestern: we’re creating a multimedia laboratory. Every aspect of the project offers a new twist on an old medium. All we need is the equipment to bring a new storytelling aesthetic out of the box and into the world.

The plan entails profiling one student a week, as selected and determined by the project’s originators. A high-quality video profile, written profile, interview and photo shoot will capture the student and his/her narrative, while a website and related arts & culture blog supporting the project will serve as a promotional vehicle for the subjects. Lastly, the site will also showcase the school’s existing video content. A prototype site [][demonstrates how this would all work. While the project has already surpassed its fundraising goal, it offers a strong example of proactive and resourceful students sophisticated in how digital and traditional media can help them tell their stories, elevate their ideas and work – and ultimately, get hired after graduating.

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