Pratham Books

Neil Gaiman on the Future of Publishing

Boingboing linked to Neil Gaiman’s keynote speech at the London Book Fair.

Via theguardian

“Anyone who tells you they know what’s coming, what things will be like in 10 years’ time, is simply lying to you,” according to the author Neil Gaiman, fresh from a provocative speech at this week’s London Book Fair where he urged major figures in the book business to “try everything. Make mistakes. Surprise ourselves. Try anything else. Fail. Fail better. And succeed in ways we never would have imagined a year or a week ago.”
“When the rules are gone you can make up your own rules. You can fail, you can fail more interestingly, you can try things, and you can succeed in ways nobody would have thought of, because you’re pushing through a door marked no entrance, you’re walking in through it. You can do all of that stuff but you just have to become a dandelion, be wiling for things to fail, throw things out there, try things, and see what sticks. That was the thrust of my speech,” said the author.

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