Pratham Books

My Kid is Gifted

Kids just do and say the funniest things and parents never tire of repeating these stories to everyone around. Here’s a site where you can share and document your kid’s antics with the world.

Via My Gift is Gifted

You know you’ve thought it. Admit it. You think your kid is gifted.

Hey, it’s cool. So do we. In fact, we think every kid is gifted. Every one. Ever born. Everywhere. But, I mean — none of them are as gifted as your kid is, of course.

Once upon a time there was a mom who was secretly (okay, not so secretly) convinced her children were special…gifted even. She couldn’t shut up about the cutesy, hilarious, disgusting, mundane, amazing and seemingly non-gifted things her children were doing every single day.

So she intermittently journaled. Tried (and failed at) blogging. And finally after flooding social network sites with her kids’ “giftedness,” she very quickly realized that: A) not everyone wants to know every single detail of her kids’ lives, and B) she didn’t really want everyone to know every single detail of her kids’ lives — especially online strangers with trench coats, vans and lollipops.

She wanted a site that made it easy to share and keep her kids’ gifted stories. Something with the perfect blend of public and private. But there wasn’t anything.

With that, was born. A safe, fun, semi-anonymous and specific place where we can all archive and share our kids’ genius.

My Kid Is Gifted™ invites anyone with or around a gifted kid to share (and save an archive for yourself) of those magical moments that make you scream, cry or laugh so hard that soy milk squirts out your nose.

Visit ‘My Kid is Gifted‘ to share your own stories or browse through funny stories like these :

Lizzie, Age 5 :
“Daddy, have you seen my gloves? They are red and shaped like my hand.”

Gillian, Age 3 :
Gillian: God lives in China.
Me: Why do you say that?
Gillian: Well God made everything and everything is made in China, so God must live in China.

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