Pratham Books

Mongolian Author Rides Camel to Bring Children Closer to Books

Via Indian Express

In his native country, Dashdondog is known to bring joy to children through his “mobile library”. Author of 108 books, the author makes sure children even in the remotest part of his country have story books to relish. To achieve that end, Dashdondog does not mind riding a camel.

Travelling vast expanses of his country, with books in tow, Dashdondog wants to enable students in the countryside — the nomadic groups of Mongolia — to “spend their holidays reading books”.

He started the Mongolian Children’s Mobile Library project in 2002, with the help of many volunteers including students, writers and artists, as well as his own family.

“He read children’s literature and started his efforts to translate these into Mongolian,” said the AWIC officials, organisation promoting reading habits in India. Dashdondog has spent 18 years loading his books on any means of transport — horses, cows, camels, reindeers or automobiles — to access rural areas with his mobile library.

Read the entire story here.

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