To help you find the best of the best, we’ve compiled a list of books that seek to uncover the nature of humanity. Happy reading! (Link)
Via boingboing:
The Interstitial Arts Foundation
3. Leximo : A Multilingual Dictionary
From their website:
Leximo is a Multi-Lingual User Collaborated Dictionary that lets you search, discover and share your words with the World.
Leximo is a “Social Dictionary” that invites users to submit words in every spoken language of the world. Since each word can be submitted by multiple users, definitions can vary widely in quality and thus other users can rank these definitions, so that the most popular definitions appear first.
4. Walter Dean Myers’s New Book for Free
On February 10, Walter Dean Myers’s new book Dope Sick will be available online for free reading at Plus, an entire section devoted to writing endeavors, related activities, and online resources for teachers, parents and students will be available. The section includes a video interview with Myers about his work and a reading guide.
Image Source: Kat…