Pratham Books

Meet Magical Muchkund – on a Digital Platform

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Meet Magical Muchkund – on a digital platform!
Don’t know who Muchkund is? It’s understandable because for the first time, Pratham Books is launching a digital version of a book ahead of the printed book.
Written by eminent scientist Dr. Madhav Gadgil and beautifully illustrated by wildlife illustrator Maya Ramaswamy, ‘Muchkund and his Sweet Tooth’ is a tale about a fictional bear called Muchkund and his bright gang of ghosts who negotiate with bees and come up with a clever way to live in ecological harmony. Fact and fiction go hand in hand to give you an entertaining presentation of ecological realities. 
The book is on its way to the printers and will be available shortly through our eStore. Until then enjoy a good read of ‘Muchkund and his Sweet Tooth’, for FREE in English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada and Telugu.

Once you’ve read the book, don’t forget to read the interviews with author Dr. Madhav Gadgil and illustrator Maya Ramaswamy and learn more about this lovely book.

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