Pratham Books

Meet Justice Leila Seth at the Banglore Literature Festival

C for … Children and the Constitution – Learn with Justice Leila Seth
What is the Constitution? What are children’s rights as per our law?
Join Justice Leila Seth as we revisit the Constitution of India through her book  ‘Hum Bharat ke Bacche  : Hamare Samvidhan ki Uddeshika‘.
Justice Leila Seth was the first woman Chief Justice of a High Court in India, the first woman judge of the Delhi High Court and the first woman to top the Bar examination in London. 
The former chief justice will talk to young people and answer their questions about all things lawful and wise. If you or your little ones have a question for her, be sure to be at the Bangalore Literature Festival, on September 27, 2014, between 10.30 and 11.15 am. 
See you there!

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