Pratham Books

Lessig’s REMIX Goes CC and If You Remix It, You Can Win Prizes

Via Lessig

The Bloomsbury Academic Press version of REMIX is now Creative Commons licensed (CC-BY-NC). You can download the book on the Bloomsbury Academic page.

Via Boing Boing

To celebrate the Creative Commons release of Lawrence Lessig’s latest book, Remix, Bloomsbury Academic are hosting a competition called REMIX THE REMIXER. Prizes include a ‘remixed’ book signed by Cory Doctorow, a copy of Remix signed by Lessig himself and £200 (about 300 USD) worth of any books from Bloomsbury Publishers.

Here’s how the competition works: Find any video, interview, or written work of Lessig’s, mash it up with another piece of Lessig’s work and create something new. It can be a video (3 min max), photo or text. Just remix any of Lawrence Lessig’s existing work and create something that is new, unique and creative.
Bloomsbury Academic will be hosting the competition on their Facebook fan page. All you need to do is search for the event (Remix the Remixer) on Facebook, submit your remix on the event’s wall, and you’ve entered the competition. Submission deadline is the end of May, after which public voting will begin.

More details here.

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