Pratham Books

Inviting Sketches for the Book ‘Puzha Malayalam’

Via Nila Foundation

What was once the life line of Kerala, is today a decaying, dying river. It is out of concern for Bharatapuzha (River Nila): the erosion of the river banks, the dilution of its culture, neglect and depletion of its resources – that the Nila Foundation was formed five years ago in Kerala. Foundation provides a platform for those who feel for the rivers and its depleting status, and for those who want to positively contribute to its conservation.

Titled, ‘Puzha Malayalam’, the 400-page book is looking at a participatory model where people from different spheres of life join us in the publication of the book. As a small step towards this, we are inviting interested people through a
drawing competition from across the world to sketch the introductory pages of the fourteen chapters.

‘My river’ is the theme of the competition. This could be a reflection of your insights or experiences associated with rivers.This could be about rivers from any parts of the world. Use your imagination to show the role of rivers played in your life. Let the river flow, from Nila to Ganges, to Thames to Danube…

Out of the sketches, we will select 14 entries in three different age categories, which will be incorporated into the individual chapters of the book.

As the awards will have three categories for ages below 10, 18 and above, we welcome people from all ages to participate in this initiative.

Last date for receiving the sketch is 25th April 2010.

Find more details here.You can read more about the book here.

((Via Chintan. Click here to go to the ‘People in Education‘ facebook page that Chintan manages)

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