Pratham Books

inspirED Conference

Via inspirED

What is InspirED?
On August 27-29, 2010, two hundred of India’s most innovative school teachers and administrators will gather in Mumbai for a groundbreaking three-day conference, InspirED. The conference seeks to inspire change by:
• Spotlighting and documenting the country’s most innovative approaches to improving education;
• Establishing a network of extraordinary Indian education professionals;
• Bringing together stakeholders/leaders to collaborate;
• Take action for the future of Indian education.

Who should apply to attend InspirED?
We welcome teachers and educators from all backgrounds and levels of experience who dare to be different, who challenge their own learning, who search for the most creative or just the most effective ways to have their students become life long learners. We want educators who have fresh ideas and new perspectives, question the education system, and take risks to transform their ideas into powerful action. Most importantly, we want educators who are eager to connect with others and dialogue on meaningful ways to engage students, approach problems, and enhance the learning process.

This year’s conference will feature:

  • Over 300 conference participants including teachers from public and private schools, school administrators, scholars, and professionals in the corporate and non-profit fields.
  • 20 diverse and renowned speakers and panelists
  • Small group breakout sessions and workshops with leaders in the public, private and nonprofit fields, and experts in education.
  • An education bazaar featuring innovative teaching methods at different schools
Opening Night
On Friday, August 27, the conference will kick off with an event showcasing innovation in education. We are bringing together India’s most innovative leaders in education to present cutting-edge developments in education. These are leaders, who, through their work have brought about innovation in education – whether from the corporate, media, government or social sectors. These leaders will share their experiences and plans to bring about change through a unique and engaging panel discussion.

Day One: Teaching as Leadership
For excellent teachers to bridge the prevalent educational inequity between students from low-income communities and their peers in wealthier communities, teachers need to lead their students to significant academic gains. Research has found that teachers who are able to successfully bridge this achievement gap employ the same skills as excellent leaders in any context. We believe that great teachers are the instructional leaders in the classroom.

While leading their students to academic gains, excellent teachers exhibit six overarching principles of leadership. First, they set ambitious and measurable goals for their students, which give them a vision for excellence that they work toward during the year. Teachers then invest students and their stakeholders in working hard to achieve the goals. From their big goals, teachers will derive structured and purposeful plans that will give them a road map to success. Excellent teachers then effectively execute these goals in their classroom, allowing students to show mastery over subject material. Finally, successful teachers, like successful leaders, are also committed toward continuously improving their effectiveness and work relentlessly toward achieving the goals they have set for their students. By displaying these leadership characteristics consistently in the classroom, teachers have shown that teaching is leadership.

Day Two: Innovation in Action

Teachers are perhaps some of the world’s greatest natural innovators. Those who are truly focused on maximizing each student’s learning and development are constantly exploring new techniques to achieve this ultimate goal.

These are perhaps some of the least recognized innovations today, but happen the most naturally and consistently in the best classrooms around the world. Some innovations are tried and true, data-tested and proven, while others are new and emerging, based on the need for relevance with today’s rapidly changing world. All the sessions and workshops on day two have been already tested and proven on small- or large- scales to have a meaningful impact on classrooms ranging in environmental and contextual differences. Our best teachers are constant innovators. On the second exciting day of the conference, watch some of them in action.

You can apply for the conference or read more information here.

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