Pratham Books

Indian Journals Go the Open Access Way, Database of Free Online College Courses

Via Open Access News

NISCAIR…the publishing arm of India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), publishes17 journals (one of them in Hindi) and two abstracting journals….On 14 October 2008, two of them were made open access: Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A, and Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Now four more have become open access:

  • Indian Journal of Chemistry B
  • Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics
  • Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
  • Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics

Read more here. has a large list of available online college courses, organized by subject. The material it links to is primarily from the OpenCourseWare project. Their goal is to organize all the different courses in one place for people to browse without having to jump back and forth between all the different school sites.Their present collection includes courses are categorised under the following categories:

  1. General Collections
  2. Math and Science
  3. History
  4. Arts and Humanities
  5. Business and Economics


Image Source: cuellar


  1. David June 8, 2010

    Very nice Site number one topic Thanks you.. online college courses | online bachelor degrees


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