Pratham Books

Illustrated Children’s Dreams

“El monstruo de colores no tiene boca”, or in English, “The monster of colours has no mouth” is a collection of children’s dreams illustrated by various artists worldwide. Visit the Book of Dreams Flickr set to see dozens of these illustrations. (Via)

Seen below:

“All the fruits in the world ate me”

Seen below:

“I dreamed that a wild boar asked me to go to his house. I said no.”

Seen below:

I dreamed that I went to the beach and when I went swimming I met a very pretty fish.
I told him: “I am coming back tomorrow pretty little fish. Can you come tomorrow?. If your answer is YES, throw 1 bubble, and if your answer is NO, throw 2 bubbles”.
The fish threw 1 bubble.
The next day I went to the beach, but the fish was not there. In his place, there was an ugly fish.

These are some of my other favourites :1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

See the entire set here.

Many people seem to have dreams involving monsters for some reason! What dream of yours would you want illustrated?

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