Pratham Books

Grape’s Adventures at Pratham Books

After spending a long time in our office, Grape (the yak) who was visiting the Pratham Books office as part of the ‘Yak Around the World Campaign‘ has now been sent to the lovely folks at Nanubhai Education Foundation (see how happy the kids at Nanubhai are!)

The Nanubhai Education Foundation, founded in 2004, is dedicated to providing equal access to India’s rapidly growing economic opportunities to the students of India’s rural public high schools through education.

While Grape was with us, he learnt about the library team of Akshara Foundation, Toybank and the Paper Preeti project by Pardada Pardadi Educational Society. Aprt from learning about our mission and the mission of these other wonderful organizations, Grape made time to do fun stuff like visiting the Philately museum, going on several holidays (Ooty, Delhi, Kashmir), celebrate Diwali, attend a TEDIndia after party in Bangalore, hanging out with our interns, hogging on sweets and going completely photograph crazy. Grape came with an ultra cool yak cap and provided the entire Pratham Books team (most of us atleast) with great photo opportunities.

We also did our ‘Yaksy deed of goodness’ by passing a few copies of our latest book ‘Yakity Yak’ with Grape’s travel bag. Grape will drop off one copy of the book with the next few organizations he will visit and pass on the joy of reading!

Check out our Flickr set of Grape’s adventures at Pratham Books… and if you were wondering what the Pratham Books Team looks like, go on and take a look!

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