Pratham Books

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble in July!

We have a new team member at Pratham Books. Lesson no.1 for all new team mates : PBees love sweets! One must always bring sweets to office (for special occasions, when you travel and come back and sometimes for no reason at all!). Totally apt that we had this conversation on the day we turned our calendars to the page below. Priya Kuriyan’s dragon gluttonously chomping on mangoes will set the theme for this month. 
Priya was one of the Illustrator Gurus of the #6FrameStoryChallenge and she created a wordless story with 6 words. 
How do I make this image my screensaver?
Right click on the image below and save it. Set as your screensaver (or maybe even your Facebook cover picture?). Done, done, done!
P.S – If you change your desktop screen, we would love to see some pictures of this travelling across screens :). Mail us at web(at)prathambooks(dot)org OR share your pictures with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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