Pratham Books

Fundraising Fridays – First edition

Help India’s children read!
It’s been a little under 3 months since we launched Donate-a-Book, and what a ride it has been! In the odd 85 days or so, Donate-a-Book has helped build/strengthen around 240 libraries through 64 campaigns. The 28000+ books donated are helping us build a ‘Reading India’ impacting about 40,000 children. And all this has been possible thanks to YOUR support and encouragement.
To continue making dents on the inadequacy of good quality, multilingual affordable books for India’s children, campaigns by organizations and individuals across the country doing good work in the field of education and children’s welfare will continue to be hosted on Donate-a-Book.    
To keep you abreast with the latest happenings, we have decided to start this weekly series of posts called Fundraising Fridays which will be the week’s round up of campaigns that need your attention the most:  the ones closest to the target, campaigns ending soon or just launched campaigns
Here are the week’s glimpses for you:

Angel’s Paradise English School run by Sahyog Trust in Ahmedabad are looking to build a school library. They require 244 books in 9 days and need our support.
Agastya International Foundation is in the process of equipping library at their campus in Kuppam to spark curiosity and creativity among economically underprivileged children of India. They have just crossed the half mile mark on their fund raising target and have just 6 days left to reach the finish line. 
Help each of these kids studying in a Government school in Bangalore have access to books which will build the foundation for their reading and comprehension capabilities.
Child Aid Foundation’s Shri Vijaya Bharati High School needs books to build a school library. The Telugu books required should reach them soon. Just one day to go before the campaign ends. (Closed)

51 enthusiastic 4th graders studying in a Government school in Pune require books for their happy room project. Just one day to go to get them those books. (Closed)

Just a little help and this campaign with a mission of 350 kids will reach 100% of its funding goal. A few books left to fill this library! (Closed)
BREAD Society’s 140 libraries have built many readers over the last 6 years. These libraries need new copies of books to help build many more readers. Can you help them? (Closed)

Nikita Kabra’s class of 24 second graders are very naughty, but equally smart whose interest in reading is spiking. By the end of this year, to make this class keen and avid readers is this teacher’s aim.
Encouraging learning through story books is this teacher’s motto as she runs a campaign for more books for her Chennai school library.
A class that moved from  from Kannada medium to English medium just 2 months ago and are seeking books to polish their English. Will you help them?
Community Outreach Programme (CORP) is one of Mumbai’s leading not-for-profits running various programs for orphans,street children, differently able as well as those from marginalized and vulnerable section of slum communities in Mumbai. They are looking for books to add in their community libraries.
In other happy news, all our  #FreedomToRead campaigns got fully funded thanks to our very generous community 🙂
All these campaigns are/were a part of our Donate-a-Thon where by Children’s Day we hope to ship 50,000 books to children across India. Let’s lend a hand to all the wonderful campaigns  and help build a Reading India.

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