Pratham Books

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore from Moonbot Studios on Vimeo.

Via Moonbot Studios

Inspired, in equal measures, by Hurricane Katrina, Buster Keaton, The Wizard of Oz, and a love for books, “Morris Lessmore” is a story of people who devote their lives to books and books who return the favor. Morris Lessmore is a poignant, humorous allegory about the curative powers of story. Using a variety of techniques (miniatures, computer animation, 2D animation) award winning author/ illustrator William Joyce and Co-director Brandon Oldenburg present a new narrative experience that harkens back to silent films and M-G-M Technicolor musicals. “Morris Lessmore” is old fashioned and cutting edge at the same time.
Via Short of the Week

The story of Mr. Lessmore is a simple one. We meet Morris quietly writing his book, when a freak storm uproots him and his city, Wizard of Oz-style, leaving behind not even the words on a printed page. While picking up the pieces, he meets a friendly book that leads him to a new home and life. It is a wordless story about words and stories.

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