Pratham Books

Event : Githa Hariharan’s ‘Fugitive Histories’

This Sunday (26th July), hop over to Rangashankara (Bangalore) at 11 am for a reading from Gita Hariharan’s ‘Fugitive Histories’.
Born in Coimbatore, Githa Hariharan shuttled between cities and has quite a lineage to her accord. Githa Hariharan’s published work includes novels, short stories, essays, newspaper articles and columns. Her first novel, The Thousand Faces of Night (1992) won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize in 1993. Her other novels include The Ghosts of Vasu Master (1994), When Dreams Travel (1999), In Times of Siege (2003), and the new Fugitive Histories (2009).

Her latest book, ‘Fugitive Histories’ exposes the legacy of prejudice that, sometimes insidiously, sometimes perceptibly, continues to affect disparate lives in present-day India. Githa Hariharan portrays the web of human connections that binds as much as it divides. ‘All my novels and stories look at power politics in some way or the other. Fiction has a thousand ways of giving us a new take on the dynamics of power relations.’ mentions Githa.

n the last twenty-five years, the Indian novel in English has changed dramatically in it’s style, it’s themes, it’s ideologies, following the publication of Salman Rushdie’s ‘Midnight Children’. As Khushwant Singh puts across, ‘Hariharan writes with anguish, pain and anger about what is happening to our country.’

Read the entire article here.

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