Pratham Books

Educational TV Channel for Iraqi Children

Iraqi children who are unable to attend classes due to security concerns will now be able to continue their studies through distance learning, thanks to a new educational television channel launched by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the education ministry in Iraq.

The channel will broadcast educational episodes based on the Iraqi school curricula all day. The project is designed particularly for primary and secondary school students both within and outside of Iraq.

The new television channel allows teachers and pupils to follow the school curriculum through distance learning tools. With messages promoting values such as peace and tolerance included in the programming, it will also contribute to the peace-building and reconciliation process in the country.

“It is crucial, especially in these difficult circumstances, to support everyone’s right to education, and to use innovative methods to reach all students. Education plays an essential role in building peace and reconstruction,” said UNESCO Director General, Koichiro Matsuura.

Read the entire article here.Image Source: 7-how-7

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