Pratham Books

Disastrous Copyright Amendment for the Visually Impaired

Via Inclusive Planet

We are at the last leg of the Right To Read campaign. The Indian government has proposed certain amendments to the Indian Copyright Act, which will have a far reaching and severely negative impact on the lives of millions of Indians who are visually impaired, dyslexic, have cerebral palsy, etc. This amendment is scheduled to be introduced in Parliament during the upcoming budget session. The National Access Alliance has launched a movement to oppose the upcoming amendment and this has received support from several leading politicians in India. Act Now! You could help bring about a transformational change to the lives of about 70 million people in India and enable people to exercise their Right to Education and Right to Read. With your help, we’ll harness the power of the internet to get the message to people all over the world. You can help us in many simple ways. Here are a few things you can do –

Sign the Declaration

A simple act of supporting the campaign online can make a huge difference to the cause. We intend to showcase the support the campaign receives to the concerned authorities so that a change in the copyright law can be brought about. Visit and sign the declaration!

Connect us with more MPs (Members of Parliament)

If you know an MP, you can brief them on the issues so that the amendment can be meaningfully discussed in Parliament. All you need to do is forward this note to them, Click Here for the note.

Contact the press If you know anyone in the press, get them to cover the issues and raise public awareness. Just send this press release attached here. Send an email to Shri Rahul Gandhi Communicate to Shri Rahul Gandhi your support for the change in the amendment! Just send the following email to and other politicians you know. A small act done by you can go a long way in helping the visually impaired in India! If you would like to know more about the amendment to the copyright law and the background of this campaign, click here!

Also read:
Reading for all and the next set of challenges

Image Source : unclephil

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