Pratham Books

Dhwani’s Mother’s Day Post

Today is Mother’s Day. Wishing all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. Today, we have a series of posts dedicated to our mothers and how they introduced us to the world of books. Our first post is from Dhwani Yagnaraman, our 12-year old guest blogger, and is dedicated to her mother Anandhi.

Anandhi and Dhwani
As a child, I was addicted to books and stories. My mother used to read me a book every night before I slept. I distinctly remember thinking her voice was magical since it conjured up images of the story. My mother was and is still like my best friend. She used to take time off from her daily schedule to read and paint with me. My favorite books as a little girl were “The Baby Bear Series” which had hardback pages and very colorful pictures. It was all about a bear and how he along with his friends used to do things like paint, send letters dress up and even go to the beach. Another one of my all time favorites was Winnie the Pooh. This needs no introduction. My mom also used to read me Mr. Men and Little Miss books. I made her read me these stories so many times that I knew the lines on the pages so well I used tell them without looking!

I remember she used to watch movies and take me swimming too. As she read to me every night until I was six, I learnt a lot and began to explore the world of books with her help. Now I am fluent at reading and am passionate about writing which I feel is because my mother took time to read to me lovingly and encourage me into doing these things. Those are one of the most precious memories of my childhood. And on Mother’s Day I would like to thank her for what she has done for me by reading to me and for anything else I become, I know it will be because of her love and efforts.



  1. Anonymous May 10, 2009

    Very well written indeed by the child


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