Pratham Books

Creative Dreams

Thirteen year old Aishwarya Nair dreams of a creative life. What do you dream of? If you want to share your dream and win a book hamper, send in your entries for the ‘Mumtaz Embroiders her Dreams’ contest. You can read all the dreams sent in by kids here.
I am a student of standard eight and till now I have never seriously thought of any profession or field that I would like to see myself in future because I have found myself shutting from one choice to another as and when I became aware of so many options. But somehow all my preferences were directed to `creative pursuits` be it painting, dancing, designing etc.

Nowadays I truly and passionately feel that I would like to see myself as a fashion designer and if it is coupled by almighty’s grace and my own determination, I will be on cloud nine if this particular dream comes true. I have an inherent talent to design and I keep on sketching and even I can advice my friends on coordinating colour schemes, but I know that every dream comes true if one is ready to put in 100%in it and 99.9% is not enough. I have been learning bharatnatyam since five years. So, this will remain with me along with donning a designer’s cap. I will be on my toes to keep up with the latest trends and also never compromise with the quality. In order to first prepare myself to get enrolled in a fashion institute of repute I would participate in all creative pursuits and also have my inherent creative talent. I am really blessed by God as my mother ,grandparent, my uncle encourage mean leave no stone unturned to fulfill my dreams. Hope this dream becomes a reality one day.

Image Source : House Of Sims

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