Pratham Books


Online Hindi and Urdu Poetry Contest


To highlight and honor the participation of renowned poet and lyricist Shri Gulzar in one of its programs, the American Center is launching an online and interactive Hindi and Urdu poetry contest on the theme of “Poetry for Social Change.” The winners will receive I-pods and other exciting prizes.

Shri Gulzar contributes poems that are used as captions for innovative posters to generate awareness on inclusive education for Arushi, an NGO working to increase disability awareness and effect positive change. Through this and his other work, Shri Gulzar has inspired millions through his poetry and the American Center hopes to encourage its patrons and the public to follow his example.The contest is open to Indian nationals who are residents of the following states: Chhatisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Each poem should be a maximum of 25 words and should be in couplet form.
All submissions must be received by no later than midnight on July 18, 2010.

More details here.

Flash Fiction Contest : Win Two Books

Our dear, dear friend Sarah Hina is officially a published author now, with her first novel ‘Plum Blossoms In Paris‘ delighting readers wordwide.

So we are hosting a Flash Fiction Contest to help her promote her book. There are two copies of ‘Plum Blossoms In Paris’ to be won (isn’t that delicious?)

The contest guidelines are simple:

– Register yourself and sign in (more details here)

– Write a story/poem in 1000 words or less on the following image prompt and post it in the dashboard available to you, once you’ve signed in.

Sarah Hina, author of ‘Plum Blossoms In Paris’ would choose two winners at the end of the competition, who will get a brand new shiny copy of ‘Plum Blossoms In Paris’

Contest deadline is July 20th, 2010.

Visit the Flash Fiction website for more details.

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