Pratham Books

Conference on the Future of Publishing

Via publishing next

Driven by factors such as the Internet and readers’ and authors’ need for instant gratification, the publishing industry today is witnessing seismic shifts in its profile. The changing landscape, one filled with technological innovations that occur with alarming regularity and one that, in turn, fuels large expectations from readers, places an imperative on the publishers’ community to not only move with the times but even bet on the future. Almost all aspects of the publishing cycle, including the creation, development, production, distribution and marketing of books have been affected by new phenomena such as social media marketing, “enhanced” books and business process outsourcing. Publishers must scurry around to make sense of these changes without taking their foot off the pedal and risking business obsolescence.
publishing next is an attempt to understand this changing environment as also envision where the industry might be headed in the future and help those involved meet the challenges that these changes will pose.
publishing next will bring together all those associated with the publishing process and those who have influenced it, with the purpose of creating an ecosystem that will allow everyone to learn from and collaborate with each other and assimilate the best ideas that are practiced today. Such a gathering of experts, practitioners and learners will allow questions to be posed and answers to be searched so that the road ahead is not a minefield but an exciting path to tread upon.
The conference promises to be an exciting potpourri of new ideas and traditional publishing practices seen in the light of new technologies, a series of discussions that will simultaneously excite and stimulate, and, of course, a mingling of the new and the veterans of an industry that feeds on the love for books.
Dates: September 16th and 17th, 2011
Venue: Goa
Registrations: Are now open. Registration fees are Rs. 10,000/- per person.

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