Pratham Books

Children are…..

Children are horrible. Especially when they have holidays and you don’t. They shout, they cheat, they topple my flower-pots, they eat chips with dirty hands and throw the empty packets at our gate.They don’t let sleeping dogs lie. They make up lies with ease. They say they stood fursht in their class. When you ask them to read a page from the storybook you hold out, they stumble on the simplest of sentences, quickly say the bookverynice, and rush out to play hide-and-seek on our street. They fight, hurt each other, rat on each other, pull each others legs and then……….they laugh out loud for something absolutely silly, and you can see how easy life is when things are done spontaneously and WITHOUT an intention to hurt or steal or lie or impress or boast. That’s why I love children. And the child in each of us adults. Happy Children’s Day! Let kids be kids, and if you can, be one yourself today!

Image from ‘My Balwadi’, book published by Pratham Books, illustrated by Sheetal Thapa.

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