Pratham Books

“Challenging, Exciting & Cartharic!” : #6FrameStoryChallenge Entry by Ambica Vinod

What we loved most about the #6FrameStoryChallenge was the disparate nature of the entries we received. People of varied ages and backgrounds submitted entries-ranging from mother-son/daughter duos, professional illustrators, aspiring illustrators to techies! This one’s from a software professional, music teacher, stay-at-home mom and a first-timer- all rolled in an eloquent, expressive woman!
Ambica Vinod’s story is titled, Himalayas to Thar – A train’s journey Its a train journey from Himalayas to Thar desert. 
Ambica goes on to explain: “These are two of our country’s finest and distinctly opposite terrains…. A chill and wet Himalayas to a hot and arid Thar desert. Through the journey, the train traverses terrains like a valley, through a tunnel, a sleeping city and a river bridge. The train is emoting its feelings in each terrain, traveling at different times in a day. It also brings back to me the nostalgia and excitement of traveling in a train when I was a child. 

“This is my first attempt at creating illustrations. I signed up for the challenge to challenge myself to create stories based on a limited wordlist. To say that the other illustrations on the Pratham Books Facebook page have been very inspiring is an understatement. I hence decided to illustrate even though the drawing artist in me hasn’t grown beyond a 10 year old!!  

CHALLENGING, EXCITING and CATHARTIC experience for me. I started illustrating on 29th after I had a concrete story idea. I
chose the train primarily because it is easier to draw!! It took me 5 hours to finish my drawings. My daughter let me use her crayons for my illustrations (happy hours for her watching TV in return). Thanks to my family for enduring a mother engrossed in drawings.”

(Ambica Vinod is a stay-at-home mom to 4 year old Mahathi. She is on a break from her erstwhile software profession. Presently she is a musician and music teacher who is still exploring her true passion.)
If you missed the #6FrameStoryChallenge, but are inspired by the work of fellow illustrators and want to contribute to the open source story platform – do send us your stories! Story guidelines are available here.

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