Pratham Books


This morning as i went for my usual morning walk at the police quarters i saw tons of traffic policemen marching. And when I saw this I felt an immense sense of pride in our nation…..there is just this wonderful feeling that I get when I hear the national anthem, or when I hear the police band, a wonderful patriotic feeling that always takes me back 20 yrs in time when I was so sure I wanted to be a police inspector [yep die-hard “udaan” fan]. In due course of time my mom convinced me that for a “woman” that may not be the best vocation and gave me a 100 different career ideas. [In retrospect of course i thank her as I seem to have found my place at Pratham Books doing what I love -branding:)] Anyway, as this thought passed my mind I stopped midway – not the best vocation for a woman…….wow how much has life changed in 20 years. I smile when I see my 3 year old son roll chappatis. His friend, a girl can’t seem to get over the stegosaurus meant for him. There are no longer stereotypes in urban India. You can dream – irrespective of your gender. Why is this post relevant at all? Today is International Girl Child day and while we live our cushioned lives many many little girls are getting deprived of their childhood. No schooling, working when they should be playing, cooking when they should be singing, baby sitting when they are literally babies themselves, under-age marriages…..the issues are countless. And if there is ONE thing that can combat all of this, its education. The power of knowledge can open many doors for these little girls. We all can make a difference. Sponsor education, gift a book and sometimes just a simple NO while hiring under-age help.


  1. Anonymous September 25, 2010

    indeed an interesting post…i think a lot of young mothers would relate to this feeling.
    A good reminder of certain responsibilities we must take on our shoulders as being women.

  2. Bhairav Shah October 1, 2010

    Very well written – subtle yet powerful!


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